
Note 5 Mex:
From Nayarits to Jalisco
Los Mochis- Puerto Vallarta
The La Paz ferry arrives at Los Mochis with the rising sun. I have my tacos of cabeza’ breakfast at the market.
The next step of the journey is the Tarahumara Sierra. It is from this point that the “ Del Cobre” trains go through
the deepest canyons of the world. Here the Indians use peyotl, an hallucinogenic cactus’ roots. The road towards
Puerto Vallarta brings me into a damp and dense jungle full of coconuts and banana’ trees. The heat becomes
increasingly intense. The air is moist. My camera is fogging up automatically giving a David Hamilton touch to my
sunset’ pictures. My notebook pages crinkle, my dress is sticking to my skin...The place of John Huston’s "Night of
Iguana" is a “little Acapulco” with an immense beach of white sand, a scaled beautiful colonial city with night and
day vivid life...
I stay in a pretty place: the Azteca Hotel for a very good price: 150 Pesos (15$).
Puerta Vallarta à Manzanillo
When I planned my journey I wanted to see this coast discovered 30 years ago by Brignone, an Italian banker. This is a place where tortoises come and lay
their eggs during full moon nights. This location is presented as a certain state of mind, a place of harmony between primitive nature and plain
architecture, and a place of absolute elaxation where to break away from the rest of the world. I stop at the Alamandas Hotel, well known through design’
magazines. But I would not pass the door (well) guarded by henchmen: I do not have reservation. No way I can get anything: no information, no visit, no small
talk with Isabelle Goldsmith the hostess of this paradise. I wanted to ask her how she manages mosquitoes. We can only go to their website to feed our dreams
about this very protected place:
www.alamandas.com |
A little further, Tenacatica is a sublime beach away from the road with multiple and adorable restaurants built with palm leaves. I plunge into the ocean
alone in the world, tossed on the Pacific’ waves …under the puzzled eyes of waiters awaiting for the customer.
High plateaus and valleys of the Sierra, Zapotec and Mayas sites, zocalos (city square), churches and cathedrals Indian sanctuaries colors music dance
festival Mexicans’ soul… markets, romanticism, I am under this nation spell. It is surrealistic: my eyes my senses are overwhelmed…so many emotions...
I am under the charm of this extraordinary country

more pictures

more pictures |
Note 6
Mex : The Independence road
Guadalajara the intellectual
Guadalajara is the second city of Mexico. That is the Mariachis’ birthplace, a city famous for its fountains, with
four main squares, its colonial splendor, its palaces, its churches. This is a charming city that is ignored to often by the travelers. The inhabitants of
Guada are preparing their October Festival, which will celebrate tales and legends. Octobers’ Fiestas http://www.fiestasdeoctubre.com.mx will start open
with a procession of floats with multiple fantastic shapes: witch, sirens, pirates, headless knight or others legendary characters. It will continue with
concerts shows and entertainment during the entire month. I am wandering in the students’ Guadalajara. People have coats on: the altitude is 1550 meters; I
still wear my “tong” a total “clothing discrepancy”. I go and admire Orozco in the Palacio de Gioberno. Not too far is Tlaquepaque or Mexicolor: with
striking galleries and handcrafts sold in the street by the Nayarits Indians. I start to experience intensely Mexican surrealism. The further I progress on
my journey, the stronger the feeling, particularly with the ubiquitous depiction of Death. The celebrations of November 2 (All Souls' Day) are well known,
particularly in Oaxaca.
A Hotel: the Hotel Frances: beside the Cathedral, the oldest in the city, posada built in 1619 and acknowledged national monument. In the evening, I am
soothed by the mariachi’s serenades until late at night. I leave my half-opened door (Piensae me)...
Shopping: in Mercado Libertad, for the country’s huaraches: the leather sandals.
30.09.03 Guanajuato
the political
Located at an altitude of 2000m, Guanajuato was the world mining capital of gold and silver. It was recognized as a part of the UNESCO cultural Patrimony
for its splendid colonial buildings and its colorful houses clinging to the hills. Another feature: the underground alleys using the galleries of the old
mines. They seem going nowhere and suddenly lead to a plaza. It is a complex street arrangement quite useful when it comes to find my way for the price of a
propina. The streets are so narrow that in Callejon del Beso, two lovers can kiss one another by leaning from their windows. The city was one of richest in
the planet, generating a quarter of the world’s silver for two centuries. The student population is significant and the Cervantes Festival of Theater begins
on October 1.
San Miguel de Allende
the touristic
Two weeks ago I received an email from Guadalupe inviting me to San Miguel de Allende (SMA) for the October City festival. During 5 days, I am treated like a
queen, at the ringside seat of the festivals... I have a meeting in the radio XESQ’ studio where "Lupita" (who has 2 long braids: "Lila Dawns copied me") and
Adolpho produce a cultural broadcast. They introduce me to the director of the radio station (a well known social leader), to the University dean, which
invites me to give a lecture about international law. I also meet with their friend Yolanda a Tae Kwando trainer who is hosting me. They have close ties to
the Cuban singers from “Buena Vista Social Club” and are preparing a tribute to Compay Secundo (also old friends), in the presence of Roberto Viscayn (Grammy
Awards 2000). The following day, Adolpho introduce the Los Hermanos Aquascalientes’ group on the Zocalo. They open the festival. The next day, I take part in
the preparations of the procession. I will follow the procession step by step in San Miguel and I will be able to make very close pictures. What I have
discover :

>SMA: The Bohemian one, the mystic, it is in this City that Allende took the weapon and initiated the revolution of independence. Today retirees, soldiers
and artists share here peaceful days: 20% of the population is of foreign origin. The North American children come here in the summer, at the SMA Institute
to study art. You can admire an unfinished Siqueiros in Escuela de Bellas Artes. Here Vincente Fox (the current President) has celebrated here his son’s
first communion, a Roman princess organizes receptions for tycoons in one of her multiple properties, and antiquity’s store are worldwide famous and jazz
festival takes place in November.
> The syncretism: the Holy places of a triumphant and conqueror Catholicism rub shoulders with Indian Sanctuaries. The Indians accepted Christ
providing that they may keep their god. And those gods are now inside and the result produce small chapel next to the churches and crosses without crucified
The Virgin of Guadalupe is in Mexico City. More beautiful than the Christian virgin, more tanned, she symbolizes the Mexican syncretism. From the
poorer to the richest: everybody pays respect to "Lupita" homage every year on December 12. You may see her miniature everywhere in taxis hotels and in all
Mexicans’ home. >
The temascale: a purification ritual held during full night moon that combines the 4 elements: earth fire water and air. > The ex-votos:
naive paintings representing a miracle along with a short text
thanking the virgin. Diego Rivera and Frida had a collection of
2000 ex-votos exposed in their Coyoacan blue house. >
The true Frida to the screen is Ofélia Médina in the
first film that Mexico realized about the painter
The botanical garden: internationally famous, house
of thousands cactus. It is in the reserve that Guadalupe and
Adolpho created their ecological
house: using candles’ light and enjoying the ponds ‘view while
relaxing in their hammock.
To eat: Nopales’salad (cactus), tacos filled with
huitlacoche (mushrooms), quesadillas and the zucchini flowers,
“mola” (difficult to describe: a
dark brown mixture with spices and chocolate taste), tamales
(made of semolina rollers and presented in corns’ leaves)…and of
course Mezcal with everything!
Pulque: the Aztec’ alcohol: as white as milk
The Muses (and of Diego Rivera’ mistresses): Maria
Felix, Dolores del Rio
Mexican Music compilation: Tania Libertad, Toña
Negra, Chevala Vargas, Lila Dawns, José Alfredo Jimenez
The “4”: Diego Rivera, Orozco, Siqueiros, Tamayo and
their girlfriend Frida Kahlo
The poetess: Juana Ines of Cruz
The writers: Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes
Queretaro: UNESCO Cultural Treasure: 3000 historical
buildings, beautiful colonial houses
Peña del Bernal: energy resource, the lovers engrave
here tender words on the cacti.
“Our poverty can be measured with the
number and the sumptuousness of the popular festivals. The festivals
here are our single luxury ". Octavio Paz.
Mexico, 7.10.03.
News 7: Following the Maya
The Maya have lived here for 3000
years. In Popol Vuh, the bible of Maya’s beliefs and
knowledge, the humankind came
from corn. Ixchel is weaving, medicine
and pregnancy’s goddess and
the past goddess of the Moon. The Maya
were brilliant mathematicians and astronomers, had an
improved calendar, their own alphabet, but did not know the use of
the wheel. They used very
geometrical forms, hyper-Symbolists; the faces take
the form of squares. The babies had cranium crushed by a vice
to obtain a flat face and the
piercing of all the body by means of
spines was frequent. For soccer’s lover, Sports newspaper
don’t tell you that
the Zapotecs were playing, at that time already,
with knees, hips and right foot…and that the captain of the
winning team had the honor to be decapitated for the gods’ satisfaction.
The figurines have a funny look as they were from
"Chicken Run". The descendants live now in Chiapas area and in the Guatemala
mountains. It is possible to reside with a Maya tribe: the
Lacandons, and learn their
language thanks to the Na bolom foundation: www.nabolom.org
Chronologically from Mexico City to the Caribbean
Teotihuacan, close to Mexico DF, the city of the gods:
3e larger pyramids of the
world, after the Egyptian’s, they evoke the Sun and the Moon.
It was one of the world most important cities, exceeding Rome
by ts size. You have to climb
the 242 steps of the pyramid of the Sun to experience the presence of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent.
Monte Alban: magic and religious city,
vestige of zapotec civilization, Monte Alban is in the center
of the Mesoamerica and was as prestigious as Tikal and
Teotihuacan. * close to
Palenque: the most beautiful the Maya city, the most romantic: surrounded by trees, crushed in the
jungle. * in Chiapas
Uxmal: Puuc style, you meet with Chac the god of the
rain, he has a hooked nose. The soothsayer’ pyramid
is oval which is
very rare in Mexico. The governor palate (100m length)
sit imposingly in the middle of the site.
* in Yucatan
Chichen Itza:
the most mythical, the Kukulcan pyramid with 91 staircases at each of its 4 sides and its central surface, representing
the 365 days of the
year. Site of countless sacrifices, according to
my guide, several princesses were killed here. On the top, I
expect to see a god in
a jaguar skin... The greatest play of ball are
here. * in
Tulum: a fortress at the seaside, on a
cliff overhanging the Caribbean. The "harbor" site
of the Mayas.
A book:
Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties
of the Ancient Maya, by Simon Martin, Toby Wilkinson and
Nikolaï Grube, Thames
&Hudson ed.
8 Mex : Arriba Mexico!
Mexico City I
was scarred of Mexico City. Too dangerous, too large, too polluted…
but it is also a city with a prestigious past and a sumptuous architecture.
I thought of leaving the car in Teotihuacan - at the Club
Mediteranee where I stayed the day before- and having a round trip
by bus to the city. Finally, after some discussions and preparations
with Guadalupe and Adolpho, I decided to go there and find a hotel
with parking. I remained only one day in the big City (too short,
just to get a first impression) and everything went very well. It is
a chaotic city in which you can find the best and the most
surprising... I slept in the middle of the temple of electronic
counterfeit and illegal copy of all kind. CD pirate copies cost less
than 10 pesos (< $1), even cheaper than in Madrid... Police
officers and counterfeiters get
along quite well (only the uniform differ, police is well
known to be corrupted).
Who sell what to whom? Markets where you can find everything
surround the Zocalo. From battery to hairbrush, alarm clocks and
cell phones: sound
all over “it is the bazaar. Pharmacies
are gigantic and promote discontos on their fluorescent
poster promoting vitamins and slimming pills. Mexico is Beetle’s
country and Mexico City is jam-packed with green Beetle taxis.
To return...
To make a pilgrimage on line with the Virgin of Guadalupe: http://virgendeguadalupe.org.mx/
Kahlo, the painter with the mono-eyebrow was born here in la casa
azul. The house is full of her love for Diego Rivera: embroidered on
the cushions "do not forget me my love", on the kitchen
walls where their names are united
by ribbons held by doves… And
everywhere her paintings conveying pain and
with such power. You can see the traditional dresses she liked to
wear, her private diary and the portrait of her idols: Stalin,
Lenin, Marx, Engels and Mao at the top of her bed... One of her
painting is named " Marxism will confer health".
and André Breton resided here. Diego
Rivera and Frida
then lived in San Angel in “twins” geometrical houses, inspired
by Le Corbusier.
A footbridge between their terraces -in order to meet when they were
not fighting- joined the houses.
9 Mex: Colors,
amazing colors…
After a wonderful road: the highest, the most
sinuous… after superb mountains, I arrive in Oaxaca: city of gods
and festivals. Immediately I adore this human, photogenic city.
Oaxaca and its beauty: the colors, churches, museums, the Zocalo and
its marimba (xylophone) music. Yes, the city casts a spell on me….
These striking dancers -with this typical aquiline nose- that I’ve
seen in Los Angeles, were from Oaxaca. It is the city of chocolate,
coffee and mescal but it is also, with the Chiapas, the poorest part
of Mexico. The mood is different here: the Indians more
"assertive", but I start to understand why when I pass
busses full of anachronistic travelers: Monte Alban, the Zapotèque
site is very close.
I start my last day in Oaxaca by going to the
mass at Santo Domingo Iglesia; the church seems small
surrounded by
its "baroqueries" and overwhelming gold. The sumptuous
statue of the Blessed Virgin hypnotized me. This church, packed with
faithful at this early time of a weekday, impressed me. Later, I
visited Mitla where I had lunch at the Indian market amongst flowers
and spices.
To visit: The Museum Rufino Tamayo, my favorite in
Mexico. The collection of pre-Columbian Art of the famous Oaxaca
painter comprises statues: Olmèques from Vera Cruz, Aztèques from
Altiplano, Zapotèques from Oaxaca area, and Mayas from Yucatan...
the meticulousness is in the esthetic and the originality of the
10 Mex: Viva
San Christobal de Las casas
starts the Chiapas territory: rough, hostile. It is in these
mountains and jungle that Sub-Commander-
Insurrectionist-Marcos-of-the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN)
is confronting the Mexican army. After five centuries of domination,
the Indian communities are looking for their freedom and try to find
an identity and a share of autonomy in the management of their own
businesses. But what is it behind Marcos cagoule? Icon of the
antiglobalization movement, Manu Chao body, brilliant webmaster of
the jungle www.ezln.org, he is a
man whose words and humor are the chief weapon. But Mexican
government does not have the same sense of humor and the guerrilla
carried the dead of 300 Zapatista. At San Cristobal de Las Casas
markets, Indian women sell an army of Marcos in miniatures: puppets,
key chain, tee shirt with his picture, postcards of the 1.111 walk.
As in Oaxaca you find here colonial style small houses, very
colored, with arcades and patios. Inside this ochre, mauve setting,
Indians women, wearing embroidered clothes, are sitting on the
ground amongst woven fabric, ponchos and multicolored textile
picturing broad flowers. It is a profusion of colors but here no one
takes photographs of the native: it is a way to preserve their soul
in a society that dispossesses them of everything already.
Clandestino from Manu Chao
place to stay: Na Bolom (see le coup de coeur ), an hacienda
difficult to leave, with firewood in the bedroom to warm up chilly
toes ( altitude is 2200meters) 400 Pesos/night (< $40). During
the guided tour of the museum-house you learn that the Lacandon
chief Chan K' in Viejo lived 125 years, had 5 wife, 25 children
whose last one is 97 years old: all this thanks to the bamboo juice
(the local DHEA) he was fed with when he was a baby. Here, the powerful
and famous of this world ate at the same table than the native. As
well did Joris, from Belgium and Paulo from Portugal. We decide to
go together to Palenque and to have a closer look at " la
revuelta campesina" in Zapatista area.
News 11 Mex: It is 1000 facets of Mexico
the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2002 Ancient Maya City of
We leave San Christobal Las Casas early in the morning. We were told
that that
100 miles/ 180 km to Palenque are time consuming (+/- 7hours). First
road is so beautiful that you stop frequently, second because the
road is
coaster-like” and last because of the “tope”; the passenger in
the back
his/her head at the ceiling first and after that crushes his/her
falling back on the seat. The guides warned us: "Be careful
with the
Do not stop if you see a string across the road, nor if somebody is
transversely...” I still do not know how to manage this array of
but thank god we were not tested on the matter. Just after a curve
a photo-stop, farmers, who put boards full of nails on the road,
block us.
Mexicans stopped as well as we are arguing and seem quite angry. We
will be
to pass on the condition of helping with a financial
"contribution" to
agrarian development and urbanization, a financial support that the
does not grant them. We pay 100 Pesos, more than anyone else. It is
veiled with "good" cause. But everything is relative if
you compare
the toll fees or Pemex* cost. We stop later on at the Agua Azul
they are not “azul” at all after the recent torrential rain. It
is very hot
after the cold of the mountains. We liked Palenque (see Note 7 about
sites). We continue towards Campeche, "boosted" by our
traveling stories,
Wilde, Fred & José musical compilations, the designer Flemish
Bataille and
our projects, bed and breakfast, Ostende, Arno, the Champoton’s
Campeche has been put recently on the Unesco World Heritage list but
amenities are not really ready yet.
Pemex: Mexican Oil Co.: monopoly for gas station where you pay only
same for highway tolls.
Playa del Carmen
road leads me through the Yucatan: from Campeche to Playa del Carmen
Uxmal, Temozon : the old colonial hacienda where sisal was
, Chichen Itza and the Valladolid Cénotes: caves where
Mayas used to bathe, and
eventually, late at night I arrive at the Deseo hotel.
love my Deseo Hotel
www.hoteldeseo.com, all of it. It looks as on the
veils floating around baby blue beds, decoration as inspirational
as simple, lounge, music
in the room, objects hanging on the white wall,
kindness, good advice,
soft light, view of the stars, check-out at 1 p.m. and so
many other pleasures and
attentions. I want “my” Deseo.
Playa Del Carmen: the touristy Mexico with gorgeous beaches and, off
the nicest reefs in the
world. Because of my accent people ask: "are you a
farmer"? …given
that at the recent World Meeting in Cancun in September, French
visitors were staying in Playa.
Tulum la baba
cabanas in Tulum are like other dream sites in the world: white sand
turquoise sea, coconuts
and hammocks: a place where backpackers get together and
bond with nature by
drinking Corona and smoking pot. The paréo are worn very
low, Gothic tattoos
located in the lower back or a miniature sun amid scapulas,
rings around toes,
Indian ornaments, Maori necklace, dreadlocks, tee-shirt with
the Hinano Vahine in
order to prove that you have been in Tahiti, headband in
the hair... I share the
Diamante K dormitory (suspended beds) with Sally, an
Australian from Sydney
visiting friends in Mexico City and planning a trip to
tip: Bid at “Nouvelle Frontieres” : Monday in Belgium, Tuesday
in France.
price for Cancun is $165. Spend a few days at the Deseo and a few
the Cabanas del Diamante K in Tulum.
read below the coconuts: “The Tortilla Curtain” by T.C. Boyle:
an “American
about Hispanic illegal immigrants.
is the end of my Mexican exploration. It is 1000 facets of Mexico,
where “Chicanos” die while trying to reach the United States, to
resorts of Cancun and Playa, passing through the poor areas of
the Chiapas where most tourist see no more than the postcard aspect.
It is
Mexicans’ Mexico, the Mexico from high mountains to infinite
beaches, the
Mexico, the artistic, surrealistic, overwhelming, the adventurous. I
Mexico with its the huge cities such as Guadalajara and Mexico City.
Mexico of Internet that is everywhere and the Mexico of The Plumed
minds. You could spend here an entire life without ever getting
Chetumal, October 15,2003
Copyright 2003, Notes de route, All rights